Sunday 14 June 2020

The Popcorn challenge...

We had a popcorn challenge in our class. 
 This was our activity:

Design brief: Create a new exciting flavour of popcorn and suitable packaging for our class movie afternoon. The packaging must look good and be easy to access. The popcorn needs to be crisp (not soggy) and delicious! Important: the flavour of your group’s popcorn must take into account the things that certain members of your team cannot eat.

Stage 1:  Planning for practice:  This is where you plan what you need and what you intend to do.  It is important to make sure you read the design brief to make sure that your ideas will create an outcome that meets the brief.

 Stage 2: Brief development: This is where you create your new flavour - I think you will need to try things, test things, taste things, and change things before you come out with an outcome that fits the design brief. You will also need to try to develop your packaging and test it to make sure it holds the popcorn and is easy to get the popcorn out of. 

 Stage 3: Outcome development and evaluation: This is where you have other people (stakeholders) try your product and then you all evaluate to see if it meets the design brief - is it fit for purpose? We had a planning day, a practice day and a competition day, and then we finished with an evaluation afternoon. 

 Everyone worked really well together and we create some amazing popcorn. Here are four of our groups:

Tuesday 2 June 2020

Top Bloggers and Star Learners

The learners of Jerusalem have been doing some amazing learning. Mrs Bellis has created a space on our Class Site to celebrate great learning. If you get the chance, click on this link to check out our top bloggers and have a look at their blogs and click on this link to see our star learners.  This year we are striving for excellence.

PM Education Excellence Awards finalists revealed