Monday, 27 March 2017

Communication activities

Our theme for this term is communication and most of our independent learning is based on this theme.   Nadia has created a really well written DLO, detailing an ancestor of hers who came to New Zealand, and she has told us how he would've greeted others.

St Patrick's Day fun

We had a great time on St Patrick's Day. It took Mrs Waters a while to get the photos together, but here they are! Visit our individual blogs to see what we did.

Friday, 24 March 2017

Learning about area and perimeter...

In maths we are learning to find and compare the area perimeter.  We have been working together to make discoveries about area and perimeter.  One of our questions was: Can we find a rectangle where the area and the perimeter are the same?  We tried a lot of things, and many of us couldn't find one.  Three children managed to discover that a rectangle 6cm by 3 cm does actually have a perimeter and area that is the same - 18cm.  What a discovery!

Monday, 6 March 2017

Ash Wednesday and Lent

The year 5 & 6 children have been making presentations explaining Lent and Ash Wednesday. Here are some of their DLOs.

Neve, EllaB, Elaine and Ella F made a video.

Pyper made a slideshow

Mark made a Drawing.

Thursday, 2 March 2017


This term we are looking into communication.  It is a very broad theme and we are doing some very exciting learning.  One of the activities for our communication inquiry, is to find out what communication actually is.    It is very hard to pin down a definition for something so broad, we have come up with many ideas about communication, and what communication is. Check out our class padlet!

Made with Padlet