Monday 6 March 2017

Ash Wednesday and Lent

The year 5 & 6 children have been making presentations explaining Lent and Ash Wednesday. Here are some of their DLOs.

Neve, EllaB, Elaine and Ella F made a video.

Pyper made a slideshow

Mark made a Drawing.


  1. We all received the ashes on Ash Wednesday. The children from the Catholic Kindergarten (Marion Centre) joined us along with Parish members.

  2. Hello, my name is Tristan from St. Patrick's School. I really like your work because you have included a lot of information. Your video was also very impressive because it focuses on Ash Wednesday and Lent. Keep up the good work!

  3. Hello My name is John from Saint Patrick's School. I like the work you people did and I enjoy seeing them.

  4. Talofa lava Im Vaughan,
    I really like your work because it explain me what you guys know about Ash Wednesday and Lent. It is really impressive how you give up your lollies and packing up your clothes. I also like the pictures that you use for your Lent work.

  5. Hi Saint Patrick's School, I really like your post. I like how your video explains about the ashes for Ash Wednesday and preparing for lent. Keep it up!


  6. This looks so cool!
    My name is Justice and I am from Saint Patrick's school. It looks like you have learnt a lot about Lent and Ash Wednesday. I also like how you have made questions and answered them. I really hope you learnt something so that when someone asks you something about Lent and Ash Wednesday, you already know the answer.
    Keep up the great work!

  7. Talofa lava,
    I am Xyril of St. Patrick's School's Room 8, Panmure and I have been looking at your wonderful work. I like the way that you thought of putting three pieces of work in one post and I also like the video that you made. I also like your presentation of the facts about Lent. What else are you going to post, because I am looking forward to it!

  8. Malo Lelei my name is Soane and I am from Saint Patrick's school
    I really like your work because it explains everything about Ash Wednesday and Lent.I like how you explain how Jesus fasted for forty days and forty nights in the desert.

  9. Hello,
    My name Launoa from Saint Patrick's School in Room 8, Panmure. It is amazing to see all the wonderful facts about Ash Wednesday and Lent. Lent starts on Ash Wednesday. Do you know why we get ashes on our forehead?

  10. Malo Lelei my name is Christian and I am from Saint Patrick's school
    I really like your work because it explains about Ash Wednesday and Lent.I like the way you explain about when Jesus fasted for 40 days.

  11. This looks so cool!
    My name is Kaleb S and I am from Grey Main school. It looks like you have learnt a lot about Lent and Ash Wednesday. I also like how you have made questions and answered them. I really hope you learnt something so that when someone asks you something about Lent and Ash Wednesday, you already know the answer.
    Keep up the great work!

  12. Hi my name is Cameron and Happy Saint Patrick Day!

  13. Hi my name is Soane and I wish you a Happy Saint Patrick's Day!


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