Monday 16 May 2016

Catholic School's Day

We had great fun today.


  1. Hi St Patrick’s School

    I really liked how you devoted a day for Catholic Schools. I thought it was really great how you welcomed all the students. The students must be proud of leading the prayers of the faithful.

    At our school we don't have a CSD but we do have R.E. and Values. R.E. is a religious class where we learn about God and the Lord. Values is where we talk about our school values and even some more. These classes are really cool and fun.

    I liked how you made the slide show but maybe next time you could make it a bit more colourful . Here is are some questions: What games did you play? Why do you pray at different times? What were the symbols?

    By Sam - Karoro School

  2. Kia Ora St Patrick's School

    I like the way you layed out your slideshow because your writing was very clear and easy to be read. It also has a good title and shows you have put a lot of hard of hard work into it. It is also good to know in the end you played fun games as a reward for all the hard work you have been doing.

    I thought it was interesting that you said the exact time you started in the prayer circle. When we do RE we don’t use a prayer circle.

    Next time maybe you should show us the symbols were. And maybe you should also say which schools came.

    Aedan- Karoro School

  3. Hello St Patrick’s School
    I like that there's photos of different parts of the ceremony in the presentations. Our school is not a part of the Catholic group, but we have got a program on for 30 minutes every Tuesday that we call RE. For the others who don't do RE, they do values in that same 30 minutes.

    I like there's a whole day dedicated for that celebration.
    Next time try putting more information about what you are doing in that slide.

    Kade-Karoro School


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.