Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Year five and six camp

Last week Our year 5 and 6 children went with Mrs Bellis to Westport for a two night camp.  We had a brilliant time and our days were jam packed with activities.  We also had a lot of night action with spotlight and Saint Patrick's got talent.   Some of our kids made a slideshow with pictures and videos from our camp.

Rona and the Moon

Last term we read the story of Rona and the Moon. We then all chose the job we wanted to produce a play. We had script writers, actors, scenery makers, programme designers, costume designers, music people, ticket designers and a website. Everybody got stuck in. It was a very busy week, but we are very proud of what we did.  We had a traditional script and a modern script.

Here is a full version of the traditional version:

Here is the modern version: