Today Des Hunt (an author) visited. He came to talk to us about his backstory of growing up and what he does whilst writing his stories. He has written 22 books over the past 30+ years. One of the books that he talked to us about to us was his book, The Last Tuatara, and how he wrote it and got it published. He normally wrote non-fiction books, but decided to start writing fiction books as well. He wrote the book and sent his book to 7 publishers. He got 7 letters back and all of them said they won’t publish his book. He knew from this that he needed to re-write so that is what he did and it finally got published. After that he showed us some of his other books that he has written.
His favorite book that he has written is Frog Whistlemine.
Des Hunt taught us that writing can tie in with many other different subjects and you can use chemistry for example to help you with your writing ! This really made me think of how I can change up the way I write to make it more exciting. I could really improve my writing. He also used examples (metaphors) and experiments to show us ways of writing. It was a lot of fun and I certainly learnt a lot from this experience.